Thanks to everyone who came out to the community meeting to discuss next steps in this project. For those who could not make the meeting, please see the recording below . . . and stay tuned for more information! Thanks to Chief Gale, the City of Ft. Nelson and Northern Rockies Region for the collaboration and support. Partnership with the First Nations and collaboration with community are key priorities for our project.
0:00 Welcome from Sharleen Gale, Chief Councillor, Fort Nelson First Nation
6:53 Welcome from Rob Fraser, Mayor, Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
– introduction of Brian Fehr, Board Chair, Peak Renewables
10:08 Peak Renewables presentation, Brian Fehr
42:50 Introduction of Karen Jensen, Senior Manager, Business Development and
Marketing, CN Rail
– CN Rail presentation
48:15 Question and Answer Period
The concept of converting forest residuals to pellets is a process validated by current research and supported by our First Nations partners.
The following are a variety of publications which help to break down the science:
Conversion of BioMass – options for removing C02 from the atmosphere, moving us towards our climate goals:
An overview of technologies for Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS), demonstrating that when well implemented, BECCS can be a negative emissions process, contributing to a healthier environment:
A shorter version . . . explaining Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) as a carbon negative energy solution:
From the Yale School of the Environment, an article of the critical importance of Forest Management for net zero emissions: